Cloudberry Database 社区简报 - 2023/9
Cloudberrydb Team

Cloudberry Database 社区简报 2023 年 9 月期来啦!简报目标是汇总 Cloudberry Database 最新开发进展、发展趋势、关键功能实现以及社区活动等,让大家掌握最新项目动态。我们诚邀大家加入到 Cloudberry Database 社区,共同致力于 Cloudberry Database 未来发展与塑造。


Pull Request 清单

  • Docs: merge docs for CBDB compilation on Linux systems #224 by @TomShawn
  • New altertable rewrite dispatch policy #223 by @wangliang03
  • bugfix: support hashdata tableam in Orca #222 by @gongxun0928
  • [WIP]Add git hooks for Cloudberry Database development #221 by @tuhaihe
  • Doc: update the building guide for MacOS #220 by @Zhangbaowen-Hashdata
  • support alter table for hashdata format #219 by @wangliang03
  • Fix incorrect index->reltuples after VACUUM #217 by @lss602726449
  • Add regress pipeline for branch union_store_catalog #211 by @wenchaozhang-123
  • change storage_am related catalog table main_manifest field type from… #210 by @wangliang03
  • Add vacuum full in serverless #209 by @roseduan
  • Implement extensible libpq protocol #208 by @wenchaozhang-123
  • support analyze for unionstore table in cloudberry #207 by @gongxun0928
  • SingleNode deployment #206 by @Ray-Eldath
  • Add hooks for plugins to get control in transientrel_init/intorel_initplan. #203 by @HuSen8891
  • Add main_manifest catalog table #202 by @roseduan
  • Fix unportable scripts on macOS #201 by @Ray-Eldath
  • Doc: update README.md for Cloudberry Database #199 by @tuhaihe
  • Fix portability issues on macOS with gcc-13 #198 by @Ray-Eldath
  • Feature: building Postgres backend into shared library #197 by @lss602726449
  • Feature/add ext dml init fini hook for custom table am #196 by @gongxun0928
  • Feature: separation of storage and compute #192 by @HuSen8891
  • Feature: lazy initialize orca optimizer #191 by @lss602726449
  • Add extensible smgr slot for other storage format. #190 by @wenchaozhang-123
  • Feature: Support custom wal rmgr #189 by @gfphoenix78
  • Update license headers for new CBDB source files #187 by @tuhaihe
  • Fix warehouse test when external fts enabled #182 by @roseduan


  • [Feature Requests] Multiple character delimiter needs to be supported #200 by @liang8283
  • [Proposal] Support SingleNode Deployment #188 by @Ray-Eldath

Issue 清单

  • [Bug] Insert into a ao relation with 32 concurrent transactions failled #216 by @shmiwy
  • [Bug] gp_aoseg_name may return wrong value. #215 by @shmiwy
  • [Bug] reltuples in pg_class may be wrong for index #214 by @shmiwy
  • [Bug] pg_relation_size may get wrong result. #213 by @shmiwy
  • [Bug] count(*) query crashed and db in recovery mode #212 by @liyxbeijing
  • [Bug] Report some errors after using new user-defined access methods #195 by @hw118118
  • [Bug] gpinitsystem failed with missing library. #194 by @RyanWei


🎈️🎊️ 感谢以下贡献者在本月对 Cloudberry Database 的贡献,无论是提交 Pull Request、报告 issue 还是更新网站或文档,都让 Cloudberry Database 项目和社区越来越好,我们都欢迎:

@TomShawn, @wangliang03, @gongxun0928, @tuhaihe, @Zhangbaowen-Hashdata, @lss602726449, @wenchaozhang-123, @roseduan, @Ray-Eldath, @HuSen8891, @gfphoenix78, @liang8283, @shmiwy, @liyxbeijing, @hw118118, @RyanWei


Cloudberry Database 致力于打造中立、开放和友好的数据库技术社区,我们面向任何人保持开放,无论其经验水平如何。我们鼓励各种类型的贡献,无论大小多少,可参考《贡献指南》查看可参与贡献的方式。


