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Apply for Cloudberry Database’s Project at OSPP 2024
Cloudberrydb Team
May 13, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Cloudberry Database has become a community member of the Open Source Promotion Program (OSPP). Our project has also been approved by the program committee. We invite students worldwide to join us in OSPP 2024 and explore the world of open-source databases with our project.


What's OSPP?

The Open Source Promotion Program (OSPP), which is initiated by the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a summer event that encourages university students to participate in the development of open-source software.

Much like Google Summer of Code, OSPP provides an opportunity for students to get involved and contribute to the open-source community.

What’s Cloudberry Database

Cloudberry Database is created by one team of original Greenplum Database developers and ASF committers. We aim to bring modern computing capabilities to the traditional distributed MPP database to support Analytics and AI/ML workloads in one platform.

As a derivative of Greenplum Database 7, Cloudberry Database is compatible with Greenplum Database, but it's shipped with a newer PostgreSQL 14.4 kernel (scheduled kernel upgrade yearly), and a bunch of features Greenplum Database lacks or does not support. View the Cloudberry Database vs Greenplum Database doc for details.

Our Project for OSPP 2024

Support FTP/SFTP Protocol for Directory Table Filesystem Schema

Click to Apply Now.

How to participate

To participate, students must register and fill in their personal information on the official website. Once the committee approves the information, registration is complete.

The deadline for student registration is June 3th, and the deadline for project application is June 4th. Please look at the student guide for the timeline and notice.

If you have any questions or are interested in the project, please feel free to ask through our support channels. We're always here to help.

We strongly suggest that you explore our GitHub and Docs to get a comprehensive view of our project beforehand.
