Cloudberry Database 社区简报 - 2023/12
Cloudberrydb Team

你好!希望你在过去的新年假期度过了一段愉快的时光。感谢你浏览 12 月份最新一期 Cloudberry Database 社区简报!


Pull Request 清单

  • Add guc gp_enable_explain_motion_detail to show sender time when Explain Analyse #352 by @songdongxiaoa2
  • Turn on enable_shared_postgres_backend by default #351 by @gfphoenix78
  • Change MAX_TARABLE_SYMLINK_PATH_LENGTH to 200 #350 by @shmiwy
  • Fix compile error that pipe is redefined #349 by @gfphoenix78
  • [Answer Query Using Materialized Views] Correct PlannerInfo fields after rewritten. #348 by @avamingli
  • Add macro RelationIsNonblockRelation to expand code path like AO/CO #347 by @gfphoenix78
  • Feature: Orca optimizor support pax storage table #346 by @gfphoenix78
  • Feature encoding option for custom table AM #343 by @gfphoenix78
  • [Answer Query Using Materialized Views] Support GROUP BY, GROUPING SETS, ROLLUP, CUBE in origin query. #342 by @avamingli
  • Rename postgres.so to libpostgres.so #341 by @gfphoenix78
  • Fix issues about namespace pg_ext_aux #340 by @gfphoenix78
  • Dispatch by shared memory #339 by @Ray-Eldath
  • Add callback in TableAmRoutine to handle swapping relation files #338 by @gfphoenix78
  • Check index unique & skip prefetch for non-heap relation #337 by @gfphoenix78
  • Add reloption support for custom table access method #336 by @gfphoenix78
  • Add custom object class support #335 by @gfphoenix78
  • Add namespace pg_ext_aux for extension #333 by @gfphoenix78
  • Add dml hook for extensions #332 by @gfphoenix78
  • Move struct workfile_set to workfile_mgr.c #331 by @gfphoenix78
  • Fix \d in psql to show correct storage name from pg_am #330 by @gfphoenix78
  • Refactor the table AM: scan_begin_extractcolumns to contain execution context #329 by @gfphoenix78
  • Expose some functions to support PAX for partition tables #328 by @gfphoenix78
  • Enable SingleQE join with SegmentGeneralWorkers #327 by @avamingli
  • Fix: may cause UAF problem in get_size_from_segDBs #326 by @jiaqizho
  • Fix: Illegal PGnotify declaration #325 by @jiaqizho
  • Doc: update README.md for CloudberryDB #324 by @tuhaihe
  • [Answer Query Using Materialized Views] Compute Aggregations on Materialized Views. #322 by @avamingli
  • [Answer Query Using Materialized Views] Refactor codes to new file aqumv.c #321 by @avamingli
  • Use FDW to query multiple servers as shards #320 by @oppenheimer01

Issue 清单

  • [Bug] [AQUMV]ERROR: invalid attnum 3 for relation "aqumv_t2" (ruleutils.c:7260) #344 by @avamingli
  • [Bug] Run gpstop -m should shutdown with mode maintenance instead of smart #334 by @tuhaihe
  • Clean up CBDB_PARALLEL_FIXME #323 by @avamingli


我们最近发布了 Cloudberry Database 备份工具 - gpbackup for CloudberryDB。我们邀请你进行体验试用,更多 Cloudberry Database 工具和扩展正在推进中,敬请期待。




🎈️🎊️ 感谢以下贡献者在本月对 Cloudberry Database 的贡献,无论是提交 Pull Request、报告 issue 还是更新网站或文档,都让 Cloudberry Database 项目和社区越来越好,我们都欢迎:

@songdongxiaoa2, @gfphoenix78, @shmiwy, @avamingli, @Ray-Eldath, @jiaqizho, @tuhaihe, @oppenheimer01, @IdaLee666, @TomShawn


Cloudberry Database 致力于打造中立、开放和友好的数据库技术社区,我们面向任何人保持开放,无论其经验水平如何。我们鼓励各种类型的贡献,无论大小多少,可参考《贡献指南》查看可参与贡献的方式。


