Cloudberry Database 社区简报 - 2023/11
Cloudberrydb Team

你好!感谢你阅读我们 11 月的 Cloudberry Database 社区简报。


亮点:Cloudberry Database 训练营项目

几周前,我们宣布了 Cloudberry Database 训练营项目,该项目为社区成员提供了一个 Cloudberry Database 实践和上手操作平台。它专为帮助你了解 Cloudberry Database 功能而量身定制,并提供一系列材料,包括教程、示例代码和速成课程。如果你是 Cloudberry Database 新手,可以从训练营入手。你可以查看公告博文了解详细信息。

CloudberryDB Sandbox

Pull Request 清单

  • Feature: add user-defined index access method #315 by @hw118118
  • Judge whether commands need to be dispatched to QEs in QD #314 by @wenchaozhang-123
  • make main_manifest table not shared #311 by @roseduan
  • Fix: enable trigger throught FDW in the serverless architecture. #309 by @lss602726449
  • [Bug][github-actions] icw-parallel-test add MAX_CONNECTIONS #308 by @smartyhero
  • Add pg_upgrade and gpAdminLogs log to CI failure artifact #306 by @Ray-Eldath
  • Add interface and export struct to public. #304 by @HuSen8891
  • Doc: update the terminal info to CloudberryDB #300 by @tuhaihe
  • Answer Query Using Materialized Views #298 by @avamingli
  • Fix bug deduplicate elemlist is null when elemlist size is 1. #297 by @MisterRaindrop
  • Support cloud manager #296 by @roseduan
  • Use pg_class instead of gp_segment_configuration to test Entry. #294 by @avamingli
  • Rename GP parallel words to CBDB parallel. #293 by @avamingli
  • Fix explain bad indent when showing operatorMem. #292 by @avamingli
  • Provide gpdemo.sh deployment script #291 by @Ray-Eldath
  • Modify internal address in deploy/vagrant #290 by @Zhangbaowen-Hashdata
  • Revert "Fix explain bad indent when showing operatorMem." #289 by @avamingli
  • Fix explain bad indent when showing operatorMem. #288 by @avamingli
  • Doc: update pull request template for CBDB #287 by @tuhaihe
  • Add cache invaladation synchronization amoung QD and QEs. #286 by @wenchaozhang-123
  • Add motionhazard to the outer side of parallel aware join.(fix flaky incorrect results of agg) #284 by @avamingli
  • Reduce external-fts CI pipeline to only icw-test #282 by @Ray-Eldath

Issue 清单

  • [Bug] abscissa type not supported, from sqlancer test #317 by @congxuebin
  • 'Parallel Safety' in CBDB style parallel plan #307 by @avamingli
  • [Bug] regress/aggregates_optimizer due to gporca fallback #302 by @Ray-Eldath
  • [Bug] Cluster down during regress/createdb #301 by @Ray-Eldath
  • [Bug] explain data change on operatorMem, mpp22698 test failed #295 by @congxuebin
  • [Bug] unexpected reltuples number in pg_class after delete and vacuum #273 by @congxuebin
  • [Bug] failed assertion "mp != nullptr" in CMemoryPoolManager.cpp::Destroy (gporca/libgpos) #285 by @Ray-Eldath
  • [Bug] regress/stats test failure on external_fts #281 by @Ray-Eldath
  • [Bug] There is a problem with the distribution strategy of the orca unionall operator. #279 by @Light-City


目前,我们正在开发新版本的 Cloudberry Database 官方网站,新版网站采用全新且现代化的设计,会在未来几周内上线。此外,我们正在努力编写 Cloudberry Database 用户文档。请保持关注!


🎈️🎊️ 感谢以下贡献者在本月对 Cloudberry Database 的贡献,无论是提交 Pull Request、报告 issue 还是更新网站或文档,都让 Cloudberry Database 项目和社区越来越好,我们都欢迎:

@wenchaozhang-123, @hw118118, @roseduan, @lss602726449, @smartyhero, @HuSen8891, @Ray-Eldath, @tuhaihe, @avamingli, @MisterRaindrop, @Zhangbaowen-Hashdata, @congxuebin, @Light-City, @ginobiliwang, @TomShawn, @RyanWei, @liang8283


Cloudberry Database 致力于打造中立、开放和友好的数据库技术社区,我们面向任何人保持开放,无论其经验水平如何。我们鼓励各种类型的贡献,无论大小多少,可参考《贡献指南》查看可参与贡献的方式。


